Dr Jess Felton
Expert Skin Doctor
Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
Early diagnosis of skin cancer can be life-saving. The three main types of skin cancer are malignant melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. People especially at risk tend to burn easily, have lived in hot countries, used sun beds or are immunosuppressed. Any skin lesion that is changing, not healing, bleeding or getting darker should be checked urgently. A biopsy can be helpful in confirming the diagnosis.
Treatments include surgical excision, curettage and some superficial lesions can be treated with cream.
Dr Jess Felton is an experienced skin surgeon and acheives excellent results.
Sun Damage/ Prevention
Although the sun exposure may have happened years ago sun damage such as solar keratoses and Bowen's disease can occur. A correct diagnosis to rule out skin cancer is important. There are many great treatments and it's good to take time to discuss prevention of further sun damage too.
Ecema affects all ages but is more common in childhood. It causes red itchy patches and can severely affect quality of life. In all types of eczema there can be triggers. These include food, house dust mite, tree and grass pollen, pets and stress. A careful consultation followed by selected allergy testing can be helpful in treating eczema in addition to standard treatments.
Psoriasis affects 2% of the population. Red scaly patches of varying sizes affect to skin especially the elbows, knees, scalp. Nails and skin folds can also be affected. It can be linked with psoriatic arthritis.
There are many effective treatments for psoriasis and taking time to explore how the condition affects you, any other health issues, and your priorities, will lead to a tailored solution for you.
The only dermatologist to offer detailed assessment and extensive mole mapping at a set price not dependent on how many moles you have! Mole mapping helps detect changes early and is especially helpful if you have many moles or risk factors for melanoma. Will involve 6-12 monthly reviews.
Children's Skin problems
Children have very diffent skin problems to adults. As well as eczema and acne (see below) there are many other specific conditions. These include birthmarks, hamangiomas, genetic conditions and infections. Dr Jess Felton is the leading paediatric dermatologist in Kent, Surrey and Sussex. She is the only fellowship trained paediatric dermatologist in this region and has extensive experience of all aspects of children's skin problems. She runs the Regional paediatric dermatology service at the Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital, Brighton.
Acne causes spots on the face, chest and back. Teenagers are most prone to acne but it can persist for many years. Sometimes there is an underlying hormonal issue. It is important to seek treatment if scarring is present as this is irreversible. Acne can affect confidence and mood. Your GP can try topical treatments and antibiotics such as lymecycline. If these are not effective there are other dermatology only treatments that are very effective.
This condition affects the face and sometimes eyelids. There is a background redness, easy flushing and tendancy to spots. There are many effective strategies and treatments that can be personalised to you.
Cosmetic Treaments
There are many options available. Dr Jess Felton will ask you about your concerns and can assess your skin fully. She will make recommendations based on this. These include prevention strategies and corrective treatments. This includes anti-wrinkle injections and fillers. A discount of 25% of your initial consultation fee will be applied to injectable treatments.
I am excited to provide access to exclusive Obagji products for my patients including Tretinoin and am happy to advise which are right for you. I can also offer Obgaji Blue peels and other prescription only products.
This causes short lived red itchy wheals. Urticaria is usually a short term condition but in some people it can persist. Antihistamines can be a good treatment but there are other options if antihistamines don't work. At your appointment we will carefully go through potential triggers.